Saturday, May 28, 2011

Matt's Tri-Tip Garlic Dry Rub

Look at this! My hubby is so dang supportive! He found a recipe, altered it {who does that?? ;)}, and wrote it down for me! Kinda... He is the master griller in the family. Seriously, I can't seem to get anything good on the grill. I blame it on the fact that grilling is a very intuitive thing, and I tend to forget when a timer isn't set... Anyway, I'm not generally a straight meat kinda person, but this was REALLY good! Just don't over cook it... So, to the best of his description:

Tri- Tip( about 1 lb per person)
3 tbsp brown sugar
3 tbsp garlic powder
2 tbsp salt
2 tbsp pepper
1 tbsp parsley flake
{this makes a lot of dry rub so you could save the unused portion for another time}

Preheat a grill on high heat and lightly oil the grate. In a medium bowl, mix all spices then coat both sides of the tri-tip. {Matt actually likes to let it sit on the meat for a couple hours.} Sear both sides on a hot grill then cook for 20-25 minutes or until center is light pink. Slice at an angle. EXCELLENT!

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