2 pieces of bread per person
1 egg for every 2 pieces of bread
About 2-3 tbsp milk per egg
Salt and pepper to taste
Using a biscuit cutter or cookie cutter, cut a hole in the middle of each piece of bread. Set aside. In a small bowl (I like to use a liquid measuring cup, makes it easier to pour), mix the egg, milk, and salt and pepper. Stir well with a fork. Heat your griddle to about 350 degrees and grease with butter. Put the crust part of the bread on the skillet and pour a small amount of the egg mix into the hole, just enough to cover the bottom. Repeat. Then go back and pour a little more into each hole. It's best to do a little egg at first so it creates a little seal. If you try to fill the hole, it will just seep out from under the bread and make a mess. Not that I've ever done that... Place the centers of the bread on the skillet to toast. When the egg is mostly set (2-3 minutes), flip the crust/egg part and the center pieces. It's ok if you end up with egg smeared all over the bread- that part is my favorite! Cook another 3-5 minutes. Serve hot with your favorite syrup and jam for the toasted center pieces.
Still a favorite! And don't forget you can cut the holes in shapes for holidays (hearts for Valentines, etc.).